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ETHIOPIA|| NEW FUNNY PRANK COMEDY አዝናኝ አና አስተማሪ ጥያቄዎች 2019

Ethio News
Published on 10 Jul 2019 / In Entertainment

Lomi Tube works with talented entertainers and artists, in all expertise coming together creating unique entertainment performances. The performances extend beyond the show creating an interactive experience.Lomi entertainment is a dynamic company formed with the objective of producing music, film, TV shows, radio programs, and organising events etc… and working with young talents to bring new energy to Ethiopian entertainment industry.
LOMI entertainment is a full service of OLINE Business, professional film and music Production Company that can help guide a client from the concept and scriptwriting to shooting, editing, arranging, recording, and producing, as a full-service Production company, we have available any and all audio and video production equipment and professional crew.
LOMI is founded in 2016 in NEW ZEALAND and legally registered in Ethiopia under the law of the country. Since its establishment, LOMI entertainment completed various major projects to the full satis
ሎሚ መዝናኛ ኢትዮጵያዊ የሆኑ ጭውውቶች ፣ ቀልዶች ፣ ድራማዎችና አስቂኝ ሽወዳዎችን ለተመልካቾች ያቀርባል። እነዚህ ምርጥ ዝግጅቶች እንዳያመልጧችሁ ቻናላችንን ሰብስክራይብ አርጉ አዲስ ዝግጅት ሲለቀቅ በፍጥነት ለማየት የደወሏን ምስል ይጫኑ!
Like, Share, Comment በማድረግ አስተያየትና ጥቆማችሁን ይንገሩን!
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